Sunday, December 30, 2012

Step Your Game Up: Chapter 10 - Secondary Characters

Recently, EG Justin Wong has posted a new article on his column-articles that were designed to help people like you, become a better fighting game player.

In this post, he talks about the pros and cons of having secondary characters, and why they are important sometimes.

"Having a secondary character is a very good thing, because there will always be a bad match up for your main fighter. The only problem is that most of the time, your secondary character might not be on par with your main character. Even the best players in the world have secondary characters at their disposal."

"Sometimes you don't see much of player's secondaries because most of the time their confidence isn't there. If you look at Daigo vs. Infiltration at the SF25th Grand Finals for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition v2012, I believe that Daigo would've done a lot better if he had switched to Yun. But, at the moment he might not have been confident. I believe the only player that does have the confidence to switch at the heat of the moment is Infiltration."

"Secondaries are also good to have because it will help your overall understanding of the game in terms of patience, spacing, movement, footsies, memorization, and execution."

"I talked a lot about the pros about secondary characters, but there are some cons for learning a secondary character.

1. Less commitment to main character.

2. Thinking that your secondary is better than your main.

3. Always have the thought of, "Why didn't I pick my secondary character in the match?"

4. Might be too difficult to juggle another character."

 Follow this link to view EG Justin Wong's full article and his full analysis.


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